Nicole Scherzinger wants to be 'more slutty'
People News
Mar 11, 2013, 6:01 GMT
Nicole Scherzinger
Nicole Scherzinger wishes she was 'more slutty'.
The 34-year-old singer doesn't mind her raunchier lyrics as long as her family are fine with them, and joked she would be more successful if she completely embraced the 'sassy' side of her image.
She said: 'I don't feel I have to justify myself to anyone. I come from the most religious family - my grandfather is a priest - and if they support me in all this, and they do, then I'm OK.
'I'm being sassy and classy; I'm having fun. I'm not coming from a dark place. To be honest with you, I sometimes wish I were more slutty. I'd probably be a lot more successful if I were.'
Although the former Pussycat Doll is more comfortable with her risqu image now, in the early days of the burlesque-inspired pop band she struggled with being told to lose weight to complete the look.
She revealed to the Independent on Sunday newspaper: 'I simply did as I was told. You know, I didn't have the confidence to go around in all that lingerie.
'I'm a crazy bitch now, of course, and I'm all over that, I love it, I embrace it. But back then? Back then, I wasn't comfortable at all. I'd never warn stuff like that in my life.'
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