Nicole Scherzinger, Steve Jones, Paula Abdul booted off 'The X Factor'


Virtually overnight, Fox cleaned house for the second season of SimonCowell's underperforming talent contest TheX Factor, canning Nicole Scherzinger, Steve Jones and even Paula Abdul. We go home from work for one little evening and look what happens!

News broke Monday night around 6:30 WestCoast time, meaning The Juice* was comfortably settled into a night of watching reruns of BattlestarGalactica, because a decade-old sci-fi show is the only watchable television available to us. But it's true: Nicole and Steve were shown the door, with word that Paula was gone, too, by about 9:30 PST. "At this point, the only ones staying are Simon and L.A. Reid," a source told E! News.

Jones announced the move that night on Twitter via @SteveJones, tweeting, "I wont be hosting next seasons XFactor which is a shame but I cant complain as I've had a great time. Good luck to everyone on the show." Nigel Lythgoe was a little more direct in his attitude about the move, tweeting via @dizzyfeet, "Shocked to see Simon has fired Paula Abdul, Nicole and Steve from the X-Factor."

As far as Nicole is concerned, she may have wanted off, with E!'s MarcMalkin saying Scherzinger didn't like judging people off the show. Now she'd rather get back in the sound booth.

"X Factor took a lot more of her time than she ever expected," a source told E!. "She didn't have any time really to work on her music. She was doing X Facto r six days a week." Somewhere, Cheryl Cole is laughing uncontrollably.

So what does all this mean? Well, according to another unnamed source, there's a revamp in the works. "Simon wants to take the show in a different direction," the spy said. That direction would likely be wherever more viewers can be found.

[Photo: Getty Images]

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